Research ethics


Research ethics are a set of principles and guidelines that scholars and researchers should follow, ensuring that their inquiries and experimentation hold the highest standards of integrity, respect, and care. It prioritizes the well-being and rights of the participants, maintains accuracy in data collection and reporting, and prepares a transparent and honest environment throughout the research process. Ethics in research is very important, increasing the reliability of the research outcome. It is important as scientific research depends on collaboration between researchers and groups and ethics build up confidence in the research work done and the result produced. They ensure that researchers can be held accountable for their actions as well. They support social and moral values, such as not harming others.

Principles of research ethics constitute:

A.    Honesty and Integrity which means that there is a need to report the research honestly, about the methods used, data, and results, and confirm whether the research has been previously published or not. When working with others, there is a need to keep agreements and act sincerely.


B.    Objectivity aims to avoid bias in any aspect of the researcher’s research, including design, data analysis, interpretation, and peer review.


C.    Carefulness means that research should be done properly to avoid careless mistakes. It is important to keep full records of the research.


D.    Openness means that one should be open to criticism and new ideas. There is a need to share novel data, results, or tools that may help science.


E.    Respect for Intellectual Property means that one should never plagiarise, or copy, other people’s work and try to pass it off as their own. There is a need to ask for permission before using other people’s tools or methods, unpublished data, or results.


F.     Confidentiality of the information supplied by research subjects and the anonymity of respondents must be respected.


G.    Responsible Publication means that one should publish to advance to state of research and knowledge, and not just to advance their career.


H.    Legality means that the researcher should be aware of laws and regulations that govern the research work and also follow them strictly throughout the research process.


I.      Human Subjects Protection ensures the reduction of any possible harm to the people involved in the research.


J.      Animal Care which means that the animals should be used in research if it is necessary and the research should be well-designed showing proper care and respect to the animals.

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