A Life Fruit of South India: Cocos nucifera L.

Sanjeet Kumar

Cocos nucifera L.
Local name: “Nodia”
Botanical Name: Cocos nucifera L.
Family: Arecaceae

Vernacular Name(s)                                                  Taxonomic Classification

Bengali:   Dab- B                                                        Kingdom: Plantae
Hindi:  Nariyal                                                            Order: Arecales
Telgu: Nari Kelamu                                                     Family: Arecaceae
English: Coconut                                                         Genus: Cocus
Sanskrit : Kalpa-vriksha                                              Species: nucifera
Botany of Cocus nucifera L.
Tall palm or dwarf in some times; stem straight or sinuous, marked with ring-like leaf –scars. Leaves long, leaflets numerous, close, equidistant, lanceolate.Spadix long, divided into numerous drooping spikes bearing female with a few bisexual flowers. Fruit green or yellowish, obtusely 3- quetrous.

Cultivated and naturalized in the hot damp regions of India, especially near the sea. Throughout the Indo-Pacific World and cultivated successfully throughout the tropics between 20° N 20° S.

Chemical Compound(s)
Ethanolamine, Phyllococosine and Leucoanthocyanin are major bioactive compounds.

Medicinal Value(s)
Oil is mixed with oil of Pongamia pinnata (Karanja) and the mixed oil is used

Common Use(s)
·        The nut oil is used in cooking; white fleshy part of the seed is edible.
·        Coconut water used as common drink, which provides an isotonic electrolyte balance for body.
·        Fruit is used to make chutney (a common food) in different parts of India.

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