Isolation, purification and characterization of pharmacological agents from Dioscorea species collected from Simlipal Biosphere Reserve Forest, Odisha
Clinical microbiology has been facing new problems that pathogens are being resistant to particular synthetic drugs due to mutation, overdose, inappropriate diagnosis and treatment. Drug resistance is a big problem for pharmacological industries and health care. Drug’s potential is going on declining and it’s being difficult to fight against microbial attacks. Therefore, there is urgent need to screen of new compounds from plants and animal wealth which are unexploited and have little scientific documentation. Among those plants Dioscorea species are unexploited and having very little clinical validation of their extracts against pathogens is reported. They are major food staple among aboriginals and rural mass in 3rd world particularly in Africa and India. The ethnobotanical survey from literature revealed the potent pharmacological values of these unexploited wild tubers. Therefore an attempt will be taken to investigate the phytochemicals, anti-microbial, toxicity and other pharmacological activity.
1.     Documentation of therapeutic practices of different extracts of Dioscorea species against microbial infections and other diseases.
2.     Evaluation of pharmacological values using clinical trials with microbes and experimental animals.
3.     Isolation, purification and characterization of desired bioactive compounds using chromatography and NMR.
1.     Help in the gene conservation of these valuable wild tubers.
2.     Formulation of new bioactive compounds.
3.     Manufactures of new drugs against specific pathogens and diseases.

Evaluation of antidiabetic activity of selected wild tuber crops of Odisha


Diabetes is a very common and chronic endocrine disease caused by defect in production of insulin in human body which promote to increase the concentration of glucose in the blood leading damage blood vessels and nerves. More than 150 million people are suffering from diabetes worldwide and it is likely to increase to 300 million by the year 2025. International Diabetes Federation has declared that India is the “Diabetic capital of world”. From ancient medicinal plants continue to provide valuable therapeutic agents as natural and synthetic drugs in traditional and modern medicines. Many wild plant species are reported to be useful in Diabetes and they are considered to be less toxic and free from side effects than synthetic one. Among those plants wild tuber crops play an important role. Wild tuber crops have been used as traditional medicine against Diabetes among rural and tribal communities of different regions in Odisha.  Thus, an attempt will be made to evaluate the antidiabetic activity of wild tuber crops in alloxan induced experimental animals.
Objective of Research
·         Documentation and validation of therapeutic practices or claims of wild tuber crops among tribal communities of Odisha.
·         Study the impact of the extracts of these tubers and their plant parts on alloxan induced animals.
·         Assessment of bioactive compounds of wild tubers and their mechanism of action.
·         Isolation, purification and characterization of desired bioactive compounds.
Future Prospects
·         Study will help in elucidation the mechanism of antihyperglycemic effect.
·         Study will help to isolate the lead bioactive compounds responsible for the antidiabetic activity.
·         Estimation of bioactive compounds and antidiabetic activity of plant parts (in vivo and in vitro) will facilitate the maximum formulation in the manufacture of synthetic drugs to fight against chronic diabetic.

Study of diversity, nutritional and ethno-pharmacological activity of available Ban Aalu (Dioscorea species) in Simlipal Biosphere Reserve Forest (SBR), Odisha
Simlipal Biosphere Reserve Forest is located in the central part of the district Mayurbhanj of Odisha having a compact mass of natural mixed forests with hub of different types of tribal communities. In developed 21st century, synthetic medicines are very common against every disease throughout the world still they depend on wild plants for their food and medicines. Among those wild plants, Dioscorea species are more important as per the high consumption rate among rural and aboriginals during critical periods in SBR of the state Odisha. Dioscorea bulbifera, Dioscorea alata, Dioscorea pentaphylla and Dioscorea puber are very common in SBR forest. Tubers of Dioscorea species are rich in starch, fibre, carbohydrate and also having diverse bioactive compounds such as Diosgenin and others steroidal saponins. There is very little documentation on ethnobotany, nutritional and pharmacological values of Dioscorea species available in SBR. Therefore an attempt will be made to evaluate genetic diversity, ethnobotanical practices, nutritional and pharmacological activity of Dioscorea species available in SBR forest.
Objective of Research
1.      Standardize Passport Data Form and documentation of ethnic knowledge on Ban Aalu available in SBR of Odisha.
2.      Evaluation of diversity richness index of Dioscorea species in SBR forest.
3.      Estimation of primary metabolites, anti-nutritional factors and toxicity of Dioscorea tuber.
4.      Validation of ethno-pharmacological claims using experimental trials against selected diseases.
Future Prospects:
1.      Diversity index help in gene pool conservation and can protect the minor indigenous tuber crops from extinction helping in conservation of wide biodiversity available in SBR forest of Odisha.
2.      Ethnobotanical documentation will help to evaluate the pharmacological activity of the plants.
3.      Nutritional values will help to promote mass cultivation of these wild plants for eradication of malnutrition among inhabitants of SBR.
4.       Validation of tribal claims will lead to isolate new synthetic drugs against particular diseases.

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