
Man has been utilising only about 25 crops for their food but too much wild species found in forest which has nutritional as well as medicinal values,Among these Amaranthus species have great potential and need to be exploited as the future food plant for Odisha.Amaranthus species are common and popular leafy vegetables in Odisha.Number of dishes are made among tribal , rural , semi-Urban and Urban peoples of Odisha.Amaranthus species have been shown to contain large amount of sequence of amino acids and essential components that has both wealth and industrial benefits.Nodeide et al (1996) reported that the green leaves of Amaranthus viridis were rich for water, fats,proteins,minerals and amino acids.Some common Amaranthus species of Odisha are A.spinosus, A.viridis,A.caudatus,A.cruentus, A.tricolor. A.spinosus and A.viridis are wild species,which are common food among tribes of Odisha, particularly among tribal groups of Simlipal Biosphere Reserve forest.Amaranthus species have also medicinal properties and used as a traditional medicine among tribes.Behari et al (1986) reported that the species A.viridis is used as a pot herb in treating Snake bites,also in Tamilnadu and Kerala hills,the tribal group use stem and leaves juice of A.spinosus in the treatment of Kidney stones, Therefore i conclude that amaranthus species have great medicinal and nutritional value so need for cultivation as optional food as a leafy vegetables.
Fig :- Amaranthus viridis in wild condition .
Sanjeet Kumar
working in the Lab of NBPGR, Base centre Cuttack.

Celastrus paniculatus has great medicinal value.

Celastrus paniculatus a rare plant of Odisha, has great medicinal value. Particularly it is found in all forest block of Odisha but in Simlipal Biosphere Reserve forest, Karlapat sanctuary, Niyamgiri hills,it found in abundant. The leaves , bark , Fruit and seeds have many bio active compounds like in leaves Saponin found in large quantity, which responsible for ant-microbial and anti-fungal activity.The seeds are reported for memory improvement but also others parts have great ethnobotany among tribal groups of Odisha. The Seed oil have economic importance, it sold among kolho tribes of simlipal in their weekly market which held in core and buffer areas of simlipal.

Sanjeet Kumar
working in the Lab of NBPGR, Base Centre , CTC,

Floral wealth of Mahanadi River