Rutaceae (Citrus family)
An initiative of Ambika Prasad Research Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation. Biodiversity is the foundation for human health. By securing the life-sustaining goods and services which biodiversity provide to us, the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity can provide significant benefits to our health. (Special thanks to R U, Cuttack; NBPGR, Base Centre, Cuttack; RIE (NCERT),Bhubaneshwar, RPRC, Bhubaneshwar, Wikipedia and other sources for data collection)
Pedalium murex L., coastal flora of Odisha
Utricularia minutissima: A small carnivorous plant
Utricularia minutissima: A small carnivorous plant
Cipadessa baccifera: a wild edible tree species of Odisha
Cipadessa baccifera
Utricularia caerulea: a carnivorous plant
Variation in flowers
Certificate Programme on Medicinal Plants & Biodiversity Conservation
Its a 3 month Certificate program on Medicinal Plants & Biodiversity Conservation. After the course, one hard copy of certificate will be send by post (Within India) and one e-copy of certificate by mail.
Total online Classes: 45/50 (4 days per week; Monday to Thursday)
Subjects of Training: Medicinal Plants, Identification, Taxonomy, Antimicrobial activity, Toxicity, Ecology, Distribution, IUCN Status & Cultivation, Plant diversity assessment in field, Wetland flora & fauna studies, Carnivorous & Parasitic plant studies, Orchid biology, Sand dune flora, Riverine ecosystem,Ecological field technique (Ecological index), Phytochemistry, Estimation of primary and secondary metabolites, Antidiabetic activities, Cytotoxicity activity, Species behavioural studies.
Each participant will write a booklet/ monograph on medicinal plants/aspects. ISBN number and all review process will be done by us. There is no charges for publication.
Who can apply: No Bar, who is interested in Medicinal Plants can apply
Process: Do registration through google pay/phone pay: 9937045614 or
deposit to Foundation account (Make a donation):
and send the receipt along with CV / Biodata to
Fill the attached Form and send during the Training for Certification.
Time: Evening 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM + (India Time Zone)
Date: check website,
Registration Fee: 5000/- (Five Thousand Only) for Indian & 100 Dollars for others
Can WhatsApp for more information: 9937045614 or mail to
Platform: ZOOM
If anyone missed the session, will provide all materials and give time for discussion on subjects
Carissa spinarum L.: edible fruit plant of Coastal Odisha
Carissa spinarum L.
Syn:Antura edulis Forssk.Habit: Shrub
Habitat: Hilly, coastal & rocky areas
Fruits: Edible by human and birds
Medicinal uses: Fruits Juice might be useful against heart problems, Fruits are used medicinally for joint and muscle pain by the Maasai people of Kenya.
Location: Khordha, Odisha
Date: August 2020
Plants are frequently used as traditional medicines to treat different disease & disorders. The indigenous knowledge on plants to cure diseases and disorders passes from generation to generation. Still in this modern era, modern medical facilities are unable to reach to the tribal and rural people in remote areas. In these areas, communities use plants for food and medicinal purposes against common diseases. Among the common diseases of Odisha state, diarrhea is most observed in remote areas caused by bacterial infections. In Odisha, there are about 62 identified tribal communities stay here having unique skills to uses plants against microbial infections. Among the 62 communities, Kandhas are most popular one, found in Kandhamal districts and adjoining regions of the state. Since primitive they are using plants for various purposes. Keeping the problems caused by diarrhea and unique skills of Kandha tribe, a survey was made to enumerate the plants used by this tribe against diarrhea and other stomach problems. In this book, their mode of uses and formulations practiced by Kandhas has documented. The Book will bring attention towards our rich traditional therapeutic systems and future scope for biologist & pharmacologist to formulate new drugs against microbial infections and will be helpful to minimize the anti-microbial resistance.
Dioscorea oppositifolia L.
Dioscorea oppositifolia L.
Syn: Dioscorea oppositifolia var. dukhunensis Prain & BurkillFamily: Dioscoreaceae
Location: Khordha, Odisha
Date: August 2020
Food values: Tubers are edible
Medicinal values: Tuber juice used as tonic
Local name: Pani aalu
Alphonsea madraspatana Bedd.
A threatened species of Odisha
Alphonsea madraspatana Bedd.Habit: Tree
Family Annonaceae
Location: Khordha, Odisha
Date: August 2020
A tree species available in restricted areas (Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu)
Fruits are consumed by Red Ants & Birds
Gloriosa superba
Flame lily
Gloriosa superbaHabit: Climber
Secondary metabolite: Alkaloid gloriocine
Medicinal values: Against itching problems
Place: Khordha, Odisha
Date: 12 August 2020
Utricularia caerulea: A Carnivorous Plant
A Carnivorous Plant
Lobelia alsinoids
Lobelia alsinoids Lam
Family - Campanulaceae
Common name - Chickweed lobelia
💫(Mostly near ponds, ditches, streams, river banks.)
(Photo credit - Rajkumari Supriya Devi Ma'am)
💫Medicinal uses -
Liver disorder like jaundice.
Sugimani Marndi
(Biodiversiry & Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.)
Certificate course on Medicinal plants
Ambika Prasad Research Foundation (APRF) Is going to start a 3 months
Starts from 20th August
Can get details 👇…/
Resin of Shorea robusta Roth
Resin of Shorea robusta Roth
Family : Dipterocarpaceae
Local name : Sal
Location : Kalahandi, Odisha
Traditionally used in rituals for fragrance & purity of mind.
Medicinal values :
1. It is used in wound healing, fractures & anemia.
2. It is considered as an astringent and a detergent.
3. It is used with honey or sugar in dysentery and diarrhea.
4.It is used to treat piles.
5. It is also given in gonorrhea and for weak digestion.
6. Itis a useful remedy in cough, bronchitis, and leucorrhoea.
7. It is potential against eye irritations.
Sweta Mishra
Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.
Ambika Prasad Research Foundation
Bhubnaswar, Odisha
Begonia picta
Begonia picta
Striga densiflora
Striga densiflora
Sesamum indicum L.
Sesamum indicum L.
Family - Pedaliaceae
Common name - Sesame
✨ Sesame seed contain two unique substances; sesamin & sesamolin known to have a cholesterol-lowering effect in humans & to prevent high blood pressure.
Medicinal uses -
🌸 Seed oil is used externally to treat haemorrhoids & ulcers.
🌸 It posses antiaging, anticancer, anti-iflammatory and antioxidant
🌸 The antibacterial activity of seed is common for skin fungi such as athlet's foot fungus.
Sugimani Marndi
(Biodiversiry & Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.)
Utricularia stellaris
Syn:U. inflexa var. stellarisFamily: Lentibulariaceae
Location: Khordha, Odisha
Date: August 2020
Type: Carnivorous plant
Medicinal values: Fruits can be used against Respiratory problems
Training cum awareness on Medicinal values of locally available Plants for Community Conservation
Its a 3 month Certificate program on Medicinal Plants & Biodiversity Conservation. After the course, one hard copy of certificate will be send by post and one e-copy of certificate by mail. Each participant will write a booklet on medicinal plants. ISBN number and all review process will be done by us. There is no charges for publication.
Plant: Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
Location: Dhenkanal, Odisha
Date: November 2019
Tribal and rural community consume the corm for Medicinal and food purposes…/
30 % Discount for all
Naringi crenulata
Naringi crenulata
Online short term-training for UG & PG students
Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Odisha, India
- Duration: 1 week
- Online or Offline Classes (Offline after lockdown)
- Scientific Writings
- Duration: 1 week
- Field tour
- Initial work before laboratory studies
- Sampling collection techniques
- Root level research
- Duration: 2 weeks maximum
- Field tour
- Initial work before laboratory studies
- Sampling collection techniques
- Root level research
- Duration: 7-15 days
- Laboratory based
- Duration: 7-15 days
- Laboratory based
- Duration: 7-15 days
- Laboratory based
- Duration: 7-15 days
- Laboratory based
- Duration: 7-15 days
- Laboratory based
- Field as well as Lab work
- Need to choose one out of the various key areas.
- Key areas include Plant taxonomy, Ethnobotany, Medicinal plants) Plant diversity assessment in field, Wetland flora & fauna studies, Carnivorous & Parasitic plant studies, Orchid biology, Sand dune flora, Riverine ecosystem (Water birds and other associated faunal species),Ecological field technique (Ecological index), Phytochemistry, Estimation of primary and secondary metabolites, Antidiabetic activities, Antimicrobial activity, Cytotoxicity activity, Species behavioural studies of selected faunal species.
- 4 months certificate course
- Field as well as lab work
- 4 months certificate course
- Field as well as lab work
- 4 months certificate course
- Laboratory works
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